+43 732 77 56 16

Icon Nasenkorrektur
Icon Nasenkorrektur
Counselling interview

Well served in every way

Prior consultation and explanation of a nose operation is as important as the operation itself.

Therefore, at our medical office you will need at least two consultations before an operation.

Second consultation

At the second consultation we will jointly establish the aim of the operation on the basis of two-dimensional photographs of your face and a computer simulation.

I will inform you thoroughly about the course of the operation, the technique, and the risks of the planned procedure.

After these two consultations you can go home and take your time to decide whether you wish to undergo the operation or not, or you may wish to make another appointment for a consultation.


+43 732 77 56 16

Questions frequently asked by my patients

What should I do to prepare myself for the consultation?

Before the first consultation, you should take all the time you need to think over why you wish to undergo a rhinoplasty.

Note down all questions you may have and tell me about all your wishes, but also your worries regarding a nose operation.

What happens at the consultation before rhinoplasty?

At the first consultation we will speak in detail about what you want to achieve through a rhinoplasty and how your ideal nose should be.

After an extensive investigation of your nose, we will take photographs of your face and a 3D X-ray (DVT).

Zum zweiten Beratungsgespräch bereite ich eine Fotosimulation Ihrer Wunschnase an, die Ihre Vorstellungen, die anatomischen Voraussetzungen und die chirurgische Umsetzbarkeit berücksichtigt.

I will explain the surgical procedure, the alternatives, and the risks and costs of a nose operation.

At the second consultation I will prepare a photo simulation of your ideal nose, taking your ideas, the anatomical prerequisites, and the surgical feasibility of your wishes into account.

will take plenty of time to provide honest and detailed answers to all questions you may have.

I will then inform you of the organizational steps of the nose operation and you will receive important informative booklets to take home. You can take your time and read the information at home.

Will I have pain after the operation?

The large majority of patients report mild or no pain after a nose operation.

However, you may experience swelling, bruising, a feeling of pressure, wound secretion, limited nasal breathing, or a dry mouth during the first few weeks.

These are typical consequences of a rhinoplasty.